Soon after its foundation, Cerwin-Vega introduced a large 18-inch sound system that could produce 130dB at 30Hz. In three years, the company manufactured the world's first solid state amplifier specifically for a high-fidelity sound in which its circuit design was influenced by a 10,000 watt sonar amp.
The next company's innovation is known as "Sensurround" premiered with the release of the motion picture Earthquake. It creates special effects through low-frequency bass notes using Cerwin-Vega amplifiers and subwoofers shake movie theaters simulating a real earthquake. 10 Dual 2 ohm Stroker Series Subwoofer. Ribbed design on treated semi-pressed paper cone. Elevated motor structure cooling design. Super high temperature aluminum voice coil former. Heavy industrial strength textured basket frame. Klippel DA optimized motor and suspension symmetry.Virgin Islands and other countries outside the USA.